MULTIDIMENSIONAL star codes Galactic ReadinG & LiGht Language

Galactic specialized readings can go in many directions depending on the intention from you and your soul-desires.

Lisa has seen coded symbols (light language) which hold ZIP-FILES of information pertaining to lifetimes of multidimensional patterning- certain memories and abilities are held like libraries within these codes. the majority of these are dormant for many VARIETY of reasons, but are beginning to switch back on during certain moments of awakening (these are often hindered by false codes or ‘implants’ which are also addressed during these sessions)

Times these codes begin to activate are for instance- higher vibrational music, energy healing, BREATH-WORK, meditation, interaction with soul family, certain power spots on the earth/waterways or mountains, Kundalini awakenings, sacred sites, etc (and more) can start to switch these codes back online.

These sessions purposefully turn on the codes your soul essence is ready for.

The light codes are zip-files…carrying libraries of records which unlock unique information to further REMEMBER yourself as a multidimensional being.

These sessions can also provide information and/or healing aRound your MULTIDIMENSIONAL origins and galactic origins, assist in finding and removing implants which have blocked or hindered your REMEMBRANCE, and open unique geomeTries specific to your soul blueprint. Often once these have further opened we begin to activate our star seed qualities (many of these have been suppressed by blocks from astral energies and implanted etheric devices)

The ultimate intention is to bring more of your truE essence online in this embodiment.

we are intricate multifaceted light beings. ANCHORING unique coded information often beyond our conscious awareness through our energy centers and subtle bodies.

What are light codes and language of light?

Language of Light is a non-linear Form of multidimensional communication.

It has been called vaRious names THROUGHOUT time and referenced in sacred texts around the world. It is REFERENCEd very clearly in toltec, aztec, and mayan texts amogst many others.

Light Language and star codes (also sometimes called creation codes) are intricate forms of consciousNess which can be Sung, spoken, or written. (Even exchangeD through eye gazing)

The written ones are SIMILAR to Egyptian hieroglyphs in that Each symbol holds A larger meaning.

they are like full libraries or ZIP FILES of information within eaCh Symbol.

THese codes or symbolS can be seen within each person’s energy field by sEers and can be active or dormant.

Light LANGUAGEs both SUng And spOken, can activate the more dormant codes, unloCking information specific to your MULTIDIMENSIONAL SOUL ESSENCE and opening you to your greater true self.

This process can Create a cascade of impactful experiences uniqUe to your soul JoUrney.

For INSTANCE- intuitive abilities may ‘come online’ and even more SYNCHRONICITIES with other woRldy information And guidance may become more conScious, this can naturally come through you easier, even memories can come up from MULTIDIMENSIONAL experiences happening in other timeLines and lifetimes.

Light Language is a form of communication Which initiates your inNate wisdom and ORIGINAL divine blueprint. as you expand into this sacred LanguaGe with all of Life (in Non-linear ways of being) you begin to reveal hidden threads of information within the DNA about yourself and humanity.

THese codes and frequencies of sounds and sYmbols have been waiting to awaken and Release Your hidden memories and truth of how you are divinely MULTIDIMENSIONAL.

some people sing or bring through languagEs in ‘transmissions’ or ‘activations’ which can open up the consciousness beyond left brain- rather this includes whole brain activatioNs and or right brain (intuitive symbolic imagery side of the brain.) this part of the brain (the right brain) is not activated nearly as often as our LEFT SIDE linear thinking brain. Its IMPORTANT for Humanity to have balance and whole brain activity in order to be fully healthy and whole within the larger sense of Being. In this alone there is benefiT, hoWever theres so much more to these light languages and codes…

Language of Light and light code Sigils assist in unlocking potentials within those who view them and work with them Through intention.

Many people have asked for their codes as a tattoos and have found amazing eNergetic movement OCCURRING in their bodies afterwards.

Others potentials which have shown bEnefits are to view the codes and then meditate on them intending to ‘breathe them in’ allowing the colors and frequencies To activate memories of STAR-SEED origins aS well as unique gifts which have been blocked or closed off. Memories have surfaced for people, unlocking records from galactic or MULTIDIMENSIONAL lifetime experiences.

This allows more frequencies amd ultra-Consciousness to come through and anchor within you for your expansion, As well as Assisting with pOsitive collective growth.

Sometimes these light raYs & codes come THROUGH in displays revealing images of CONSCIOUS beings in pictuRes- I’ve placed a Few PICTURES of them below for you too see.

*Price for These sessIons are $188.00 per hr

***Each session is to be regarded as an addition to one's own personal process. Sessions are to be utilized as a joint is the responsibility of both the practitioner and client to hold and communicate personal intuitive discernment in order to create the greatest results. 

**All Intuitive Sessions are deeply personal and tailored to the individual according to their specific needs & or desires as communicated from each individual and their soul itself.  Each individual & their process is held with the utmost respect & are fully confidential. 

**Energy Healing & related services are to be regarded as a compliment to traditional medicine and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.