Lifetime Reading:

(TRAUMA healing & Gifts integration)

lifetime readings are based upon the principle that we are eternal and infiniTe beings which are animating many different bodies and personalities across time.

this exploration and healing process has also been called an ā€˜Akashic Record readingā€™.

This type of session assists us to reveal the deeply profound, subtle and complex ways that our other lifetime experiences are impacting our current life behaviors.

When we observe other lifetimes and heal any discordant issues, we rewrite and update the records of trauma, therby revealing your truest lifeā€™s destiny. This RESULTs in a clearer sense of purpose and stronger soul knowing. Brighter connections with your true self is enhanced and therefore self esteem comes more naturally.

A lifetime reading (and healing) can answer deep QUESTIONS as to why you have certain QUIRKS which May not fit within A genetic or culturAl norm. Or why certain fears or phobias seem to come up even if YOUā€™VE had no experience in this life with that PARTICULAR fear.

**For instance: lisa had an irrational fear of crocodiles from a very young age, she had REOCCURRING NIGHTMARES all the way until her late 20ā€™s but had never encountered a crocodile in this LIFETIMEā€¦ after SEARCHING the records of her LIFETIMES she discovered that sheā€™d been killed and eaten by crocodiles in 2 of her other-lifetime experiences! After rewriting those records she was shown that she had deep CONNECTIONS with the waters in Egypt and in Africa where sheā€™d died- her soul fragments were returned to her, the nightmares stopped and the gifts associated with those aspects were integrated (one was a medicine man in africa and the other was an ancient Egyptian temple initiate & architect.) in addition- more awarenesses continued to come together about her soulā€™s learning process THROUGHOUT lifetimes.

The benefit of these sessions are profound! we are able to access and retrieve ā€œenergEtic memoriesā€ of prior lifetimes and integrate the parts which enhance this lifeā€™s experiences. This is because the abilities which those parts hold for us can be put to use now because the fears associated with those lifetimes are no longer replaying within the nervous system and auric fieldā€” the prior blocks are no longer hindering the BENEFICIAL qualities from that personality & soul aspect.

By retrieving and processing these memories, you can release the emotions and experiences which may be reinforcing current negative beliefs, undesirable patterns and traumas.
negative emotions and traumatic events from other lifetimes are often what is creating roadblocks towards being your best self.


in addition, this work will help you access deeper aspects of yourself which you may find useful and exciting- as you heal these aspects you also make available the gifts which were buried beneath the conscious mind.

lifetime healing and Integration includes revealing the lessons and wisdom from those lifetimes in order to put them to use in your current reality.

Accessing other lifetime experiences can assist you in gaining new perspectives about your current life, further expanding your self awareness and making best use of your unique gifts.

(Price for lifetime healing and integration is $188.00 per hr. please note rates vary outside the u.s.)

***Each session is to be regarded as an addition to one's own personal process. Sessions are to be utilized as a joint is the responsibility of both the practitioner and client to hold and communicate a discriminating personal critical thinking process in order to create the greatest results. 

**All Intuitive Sessions are deeply personal and tailored to the individual according to their specific needs & or desires as communicated from each individual and their soul itself.  Each individual & their process is held with the utmost respect & are fully confidential.  

**Energy Healing & related services are to be regarded as a compliment to traditional medicine and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.