Clearing Of Unhealthy Contracts (including curses)

Religious covenants, agreements, marriage vows, promises made for survival in childhood… (All of these can cause unconscious behaviors, energy leaks, & even potential physical issues.)


We are incarnated in this time period on earth to express ourselves At Our fullest liberated potentials as CREATOR beings.

This service Is being offered in order for you to do That and much more!

Having Self expression at the truest level is Empowering- living Your soul blueprint at its ultimate form is pure creation- all else is placed upon it.

We can Let go of what isn’t us and reveal what truly is- in order to live our fullest expression!

Whether we are aware of it or not, we are often participating in agreements with others Which cause us more harm than good in the long run.

these types of agreements are usually unconscious and Set in moTion for survival reasons.

These unConscious contracts create perpetual loops of Fear such as being afraid of losing love or affection, or having a place within the COMMUNITY or family.

Life choices stemming from limiting and fear-based agreements are perpetuated from early life, woMb, ancestral patterning, or other lifetime experiences.

These AGREEMENTS hang about subconsciously, looping into current experiences which confiRm those fears and limitations as aN agreement for survival.

As an example: Perhaps creativity was downplayed (even potentially shamed) and ACADEMICS was what you RECEIVED praise for in your family. In Order to Survive within your household you may have made an UNCONSCIOUS “AGREEMENT” then to Shut down creativity in order to receive validatIon and feel Belonging within your family unite. Your parents pRaised you foR your “good grades” which further confirmed a belief of “its better to be smart not creative.”

Creativity untapped & SUPPRESSED is actually proven to cause depression!

Even These types of sImple agreements can cause issues, as its limiting you from your free and full sense of self expression.

Unconscious agreements creates Patterns that run rampant causing RESTRICTION and tension instead Freedom to be your true self.

Marriage vows, covenants & reLigious promises can also be another intense blockage (both from this life and others, as well as ancestrally) Energies and emotions like shame, gulit, vows and covenants made without full conscious awareness along with conditioned guilt, fear, and programs of obedience domination/control etC are all such toxic subconscious blocks.

Religious contracts are very powerful enerIgies as they often tIe into one’s identity and senSe of community or belonging (here and in the after life).

It’s incredibly liberating to re-wire all of these with an upgraded Authentic Soul Consciousness In it’s place.

*As an example to share from an Former client: (he’s given me permission without naming him) This client cAme in Because he was struggling with shame around sexuality. He was only 32 and was with a woman HE LOVED in every way, but he couldn’t get an erection any time they were affectionate. He had come from a mormon background with deep religious programming about sex-it was so intense that it had left him physically impotent. He had no anger about his background and had resolved Quite a lot already. yet through our time together in session- He realized that even thoUGh some of the covenants/vows and promises he had made were no longer Apart of who he was- his energy and body sure hadn’t realize It! We traced it to other lifetimes and some ancestral links into shame and fear of being a bad person if he felt sexual arousal. He had Worked so intensely on being “good” By making those promises, that it had created adverse responses on a very physical levEl. This AMPLIFIED his feelIngs of shame that made hIm wonder if pehaps he was bad. This feedback loop was toxic in his relationship both with hiMself and his partner. We removed the shame programs, the vows, and The energy blocks created from ThOse vows, as well as Some lifetime and ancestral links and TA-Da! he had his libido- sacral energy and physical body back! (as well as his self respect and personal freedom) He also got an erection on the spot! He joked he needed to run home to his Fiancée.

When you clear up and resolve contracts, agreements, vows and curses, YOU'RE no longer energetically tied to these things UNCONSCIOUSLY Which cause restriction And blockages to your fullest life expression.

with this process, Lisa will work in tandem with your highest selves, Allies, creation & creator to Liberate you from any limitIng negative soul contracts (known or unknown) WhicH IMPEDE YOUR ability to live to your GREATEST True essence & purpose.

Soul Contracts & agreements Can also be beneficial and Enhance loving connections between people Which help create growth, transformation, and even deeper access to Divine Presence.

Were working on moving out all those On the other end of the spectrum, those wHich are constricting, Leading to Unconscious behaviors which May prevent you from finding genuine lovIng relationships, Financial freedom, and more.

Often times these patterns stem farther bacK into lifetimes where one was treated poorly because they didn’t fit within the norms of that societY or tribal belief of thOse times. These types of current & past-lifetiMe experiences can create lingering traumas which ADHERED iNto One’s cellular energy. This ingrained trauma is an energetic memory which can become a pattern Embedded as an internal agreement to never stray outside those bounds again, lest thE consequences Could Cause deeper wounds of rejection, loss of connection within the group, and even death.

Once you know the types of Soul Contracts you’re carrying, thEy can be amended and revised to assist toward positive growth and greater wellbeing.

Along the same vein curses (both self induced and from others) can result Once the contractual pattern is deeply ingrained. Curses are multilaYered and can come from many types of experiences in this life And others (sometimes curses are intertwined with contracts and agreements).

Contracts and curses can create cyclical tapes With Confining and REPETITIVE traumatic experiences or self defeating thoUghts and events in which your relationships both to yourself and others can feel stuck or blocked in negative loops.

These can all show up in many areas of life, for instance- you may feel stuck with one type of person or family member, a boss or teacher, powerful religious constraints or sexual, financial, emotional limitations and fears.

These negative contractual blocks and/or curses can occur physically, sexually, mentally, SPIRITUALLY, and emotionally.

Through this Clearing process You’ll become aware of when these patterns started, what the original event And contract or curse was, and then It will Be reviseD into a higher aligned soul agreement which opens the pathway for you to express your soul’s energy to access full freedom & liberation.

The goal is to be a sovereign soul- YOURSELF in your truest and purest essence!

Be aware that you are releasing layers of energies here which may feel confLictingly COMFORTABLE on one level, yet hindering and confining on another.
be sure you are ready to sTep into your higher self as this process does change life circumstances greatly! We get used to and comfortable with what’s most familiar, we are conditioned tO seek that out. knOw that these sessions can induce powerful changes which have you leveling up toward being more than what YOU’VE been shrinking into in the past.

with this healing process people have reported great tangible, practical life changeS! after removal of these limiting curses and agreements people experience An adjustment period, such as- moving locations, Jobs, leaving relationships, and new PositiVe people showing up synchronistically.

If YOU’RE open to stepping into your true path as a soul, these changes will be a welcome breath of freSh air!

Contact Lisa further if you’re interested in catalyzing these positive changes!

(*Clearing of negative soul contracts agreements & curses is $188.00 per hr.)

***Each session is to be regarded as an addition to one's own personal process. Sessions are to be utilized as a joint is the responsibility of both the practitioner and client to hold and communicate a discriminating personal intuitive critical thinking process in order to create the greatest results. 

**All Intuitive Sessions are deeply personal and tailored to the individual according to their specific needs & or desires as communicated from each individual and their soul itself.  Each individual & their process is held with the utmost respect & are fully confidential.  

**Energy Healing & related services are to be regarded as a compliment to traditional medicine and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.